Every day should be Valentine’s Day! Or something like that…

Today is Valentine’s Day. I am not a big fan of this day – never have been.

Not that I dislike the concept, you understand. I have just found that for me the reality of Valentine’s Day is (and always has been) underwhelming.

I have only experienced two types of Valentine’s Day:

  1. Those Valentine’s Days when I yearned to be treated in some kind of romantic way, by someone (i.e. anyone).  Flowers, dinner, a card even. For me, these Valentine’s Days meant anticipation, blind hope, and invariably… disappointment. I experienced this kind of Valentine’s Day every year until I met Hubby.
  2. Those Valentine’s Days when I have had no expectation whatsoever of being on the receiving end of any kind of romantic gesture. There has been no chance of disappointment, because in order for disappointment to occur some kind of expectation must be unmet. If there is no expectation, there is no disappointment. I have experienced this kind of Valentine’s Day every year since I met Hubby.

On our first ever Valentine’s Day together, I prepared a picnic dinner. We ate a delightful spread while sitting on a hill overlooking Sydney Harbour. Given his disdain for the commercial nature of Valentine’s Day, I had suggested to Hubby (back then referred to as “cute new boyfriend”) that we should compose poems for each other rather than buy expensive gifts. He agreed.

After we had eaten dinner I proudly read Hubby my very cute and delightful poem. Admittedly it was not literary in any way, but it did rhyme quite nicely. I love a good rhyme. Plus, if my memory serves me correctly, it was funny and romantic. After I had finished reading my heartfelt poem, Hubby gave me a big kiss and then reached into his pocket and started to read one he had printed straight off the internet.

Sadly, I remember that moment as a high point.

Hubby says we shouldn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day because every day should be romantic and lovely. I don’t disagree. But Hubby, if you are reading this, I have a question… There are 364 other days to choose from. When the hell am I going to get some flowers??


Images courtesy of Stuart Miles and Tina Phillips @ Freedigitalphotos.net

4 thoughts on “Every day should be Valentine’s Day! Or something like that…

  1. Pingback: Where to go next on a Valentine’s Day date « Juan Manila Express!

  2. All sounds hugely familiar. I remember my husband telling me that I would know when he was serious about me because he would be really romantic and buy me flowers etc …17 years later…should I be concerned??!

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